Continuous Growth!

12 May 2022|News|

CONTINUOUS GROWTH! To remain competitive in the market, we have expanded our production system by integrating more technology into [...]

5S yards

17 December 2020|News|

The 5S are a process for creating and maintaining a clean, tidy, efficient and safe workplace. We are applying [...]

The benefits and 5 S

4 August 2020|News|

The 5S (Seiri-Separate, Seiton-Order, Seiso-Clean, Seiketsu-Standardize and Shitsuke-Respect) are a simple and essential method that has profoundly changed our company [...]

Lean Six Sigma training

28 July 2020|News|

Last October Alessandro and Floriano started a training course with Leanprove, an international consultancy company specialized in improving the performance [...]

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