Last September we undertook a training course, involving all our employees, to improve the organization, create personal and professional growth, greater interaction between departments and to make the work environment better with better communication flows.
Leading this path were two LeanProve experts, Leonardo and Nicola, an international consultancy firm specializing in improving the performance and competitiveness of companies through the development of skills, focusing on empowering people themselves.
The course lasted a total of 32 hours divided into 8 days, structured with interactive teaching, coaching on an operational project and practical exercises.
All this took place remotely and with all the precautions provided by the Dpcm.

The following topics were covered:
- Change management
- Value and waste
- Bankruptcy management
- Process mapping
- Creative thinking
- Hunt for wasteDefinition of the project
The last point provided for the subdivision into groups to activate an improvement project, chosen by each group, describing in detail the process, identifying the criticalities, distinguishing the added value (VA) phases from the non-added value (NVA) phases. and through a graphic representation, describe the process in a univocal and shared way.
One of the objectives was to identify the various wastes and recognize their category, such as movements, superfluous processes, waiting, reworking and others.
All the various projects were activated and then concluded in the following months, evaluating the benefits obtained.